Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Boston Golf Charity Event

I just got back today from Boston from playing in a charity golf event put on by The Clark's Companies Foundation. We played at the private, members only Charter Oak Country Club in Hudson, MA. It was a beautiful course with a lot of history. It was great to play a "tree" course after always playing on "desert" courses here in Vegas. Here are a couple pictures I took:

As I mentioned in a previous post, I made a conscious decision to stick to my guns and maintain the changes that Tim made to my swing. I'm happy to report that I succeeded. However, I didn't help my team out too much. I had a few good shots, mostly on the par 3 holes, but my driver and I just didn't jive together. Oh well, it was still fun and I was playing with my good Zappos friends.

It's great to be back in Vegas. The weather was similar to Vegas (90+ degrees) but with severe humidity. I really felt like I was drowning out on the course yesterday. My allergies were also going nuts with all the pollen. In fact, there was so much pollen, there was a pretty thick layer on the black golf shoes of my teammates. I wish I got a pic of that.

Tomorrow, I have my first official lesson at GolfTEC. Last week was the Initial Evaluation where I learned about all the things I needed to work on and tomorrow, I believe Tim is going to focus on specific areas. I'm looking forward to it.

On a side note, I'm proud to say that I was the winner of 3 out of the 5 silent auctions at the event. It was for a good cause... why wouldn't I?

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