Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lesson 1 - Lessons Learned

NOTE: The information below is specific to my golf swing and is not intended to be a lesson plan for you.

Today I had my first official lesson with Tim at GolfTEC. The lesson started out with Tim asking me about and looking at the grip and stance changes we made from the Initial Evaluation. Overall, Tim said that I made great progress. He made a couple little, but important, tweaks to my grip again as I was still holding the club with a slightly strong grip.

The primary focus of today's lesson was my lower body. The areas of focus was my right leg and my hip turn. According to Tim, one of the reasons I have so much upper body movement in my swing is due to an unstable lower body. To start off with, the sensors showed that I had very little hip turn in my backswing. I was swinging with my arms and not my body. Next was to work on keeping my right leg bent and stable. I was straighening my right leg, causing my upper body to go up.

This was a major change for me. It was quite uncomfortable and tough to do. Not because it was all that difficult, but more due to body memory with my old swing. Fortunately, Tim was very helpful with this. He taught me about the Dynamic Weight Shift - which is the shifting of my weight from address to my backswing. To take it a step futher, he grabbed my right knee with one hand and used his other hand to apply the pressure shifts in my feet during my backswing. At address, the pressure should be on the balls of my feet. During the backswing, as my hips turn, my right knee should stay bent and stable, while the weight on my right foot shifts from toe to heel. I'm really oversimplifying what we worked on, but it's the best/easiest way for me to put it into words.

Here is one of the many pics from my lesson. As you can see my hip turn is much better, my right leg is bent and stable. But, my shoulder turn is still too much.

We also worked on some exercises that I could do to train my body the new things I learned today. Some of these exercises are the same ones you see the pros do on TV after they hit a bad shot. NOW... it makes sense to me of what they are trying to do! Tim recommended that I do these exercises without going to the range to get the "feel". He also reiterated for me to stop trying to work on other parts of my swing (see my previous posts) since I'm not working on the actual cause and could end up developing more bad habits. :P

Overall, I'm still extremely pleased with selecting GolfTEC to work on my golf swing/game. The experiences, thus far, have been excellent and Tim is awesome. I particularly like the way Tim explains things in detail and asks if I understood what he said. I also like the way he gives me tips on how to make the changes he recommends vs just telling me what I need to change. This is key.

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