Thursday, June 5, 2008

Initial Evaluation - Lessons Learned

NOTE: The information below is specific to my golf swing and is not intended to be a lesson plan for you.

From my Initial Evaluation session with Tim at GolfTEC, I learned that I was screwed from the beginning (of my swing, that is). I wasn't addressing the ball properly (closed stance in my feet, open stance in my upper body) and was gripping my club incorrectly. Both of these things really suprised me. I always felt I addressed the ball square and I had learned my grip from my previous coach - although, I probably made my own "adjustments" from what he told me over a year ago. Also, I slouched over the ball and didn't stablize my lower body for the swing. This led to a lot of upper body and head movement during my swing which, of course, led to inconsistent ball striking. Plus, it looks U-G-L-Y. After this session, Tim told me that I
needed to spend time focusing on the following things:

1. Address the ball square with my feet
2. Adjust my grip
3. Push my hips out and keep my back and head straight

When I did these things, it felt uncomfortable for me. But, when Tim snapshotted my stance and compared it to Tiger Woods, it pretty much matched up. So... i'm going to work on that.

Here is one of the pics from my session:

Here is my corrected stance compared to Tiger:

GolfTEC technology is really cool. These pics are from my online account that comes with my 3-month package.

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